path: root/mayor-orig/www/include/base/mysql.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mayor-orig/www/include/base/mysql.php')
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mayor-orig/www/include/base/mysql.php b/mayor-orig/www/include/base/mysql.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2e22f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mayor-orig/www/include/base/mysql.php
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ error_reporting(E_ALL && ~E_NOTICE);
+// error_reporting(E_ALL);
+ //if (!defined("MYSQLI_ENABLED")) define("MYSQLI_ENABLED",function_exists('mysqli_connect'));
+ if (!defined("MYSQLI_ENABLED")) define("MYSQLI_ENABLED",false); // egyelőre kikapcsoljuk, mert az Illyés-ben pl egfeküdt a szerver ettől
+ if (is_array($AUTH)) foreach ($AUTH as $_policy => $config) {
+ if ($config['backend'] == 'mysql') {
+ $MYSQL_DATA[$_policy . ' auth'] = array(
+ 'user' => $config['mysql user'],
+ 'host' => $config['mysql host'],
+ 'pw' => $config['mysql pw'],
+ 'db' => $config['mysql db'],
+ );
+ if ($MYSQL_DATA[$_policy . ' auth']['host']=='')
+ if ($MYSQL_DATA['host']=='')
+ $MYSQL_DATA[$_policy . ' auth']['host'] = 'localhost';
+ else
+ $MYSQL_DATA[$_policy . ' auth']['host'] = $MYSQL_DATA['host'];
+ }
+ }
+ function db_selectDb($db,$lr) {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ return mysqli_select_db($lr,$db);
+ else
+ return mysql_select_db($db,$lr);
+ }
+ function db_connect($modul, $SET = array('priv' => null, 'force' => true, 'host'=> null, 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'db' => null, 'fv' => null)) {
+ global $MYSQL_DATA;
+ $lr = false;
+ extract($SET);
+ if (!isset($force)) $force = true;
+ if (!isset($priv)) $priv = '';
+ //if ($MYSQL_DATA['persistent']===true) $mysql_connect = 'mysql_pconnect'; else $mysql_connect = 'mysql_connect';
+ $mysql_connect = 'mysql_connect';
+ /* setting host */
+ if (!isset($host)) {
+ if ($MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['host'.$priv]=='') {
+ if ($MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['host']=='') {
+ if ($MYSQL_DATA['host']=='') {
+ $host = 'localhost';
+ } else {
+ $host = $MYSQL_DATA['host'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $host = $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['host'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $host = $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['host'.$priv];
+ }
+ }
+ /* --- */
+ if ($priv == 'root') {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $lr = @mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password); // force new ???
+ else
+ $lr = @$mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, $force);
+ } else {
+ /* --- */
+ if (is_array($MYSQL_DATA[$modul])) {
+ if (isset($priv) && $priv != '' && isset($MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['user'.$priv])) { // Először megpróbálunk $priv szerinti privilégiummal csatlakozni
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $lr = @mysqli_connect($host, $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['user'.$priv], $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['pw'.$priv], $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['db']);
+ else
+ $lr = @$mysql_connect($host, $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['user'.$priv], $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['pw'.$priv], $force);
+ }
+ if ($lr === false) {// Ha nem sikerült, vagy nem volt megadva privilégium, akkor próbáljunk anélkül csatlakozni
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $lr = @mysqli_connect($host, $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['user'], $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['pw'], $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['db']);
+ else
+ $lr = @$mysql_connect($host, $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['user'], $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['pw'], $force);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = "message:sql_failure/${SET['fv']}:db_connect:modul $modul has no config";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($lr) {
+ // mysql_set_charset('utf8', $lr);
+ if ($priv != 'root') $db = $MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['db'];
+ if ($db != '') {
+ $result = db_selectDb($db , $lr);
+ if ($result === true) {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true) {
+ mysqli_set_charset($lr, "utf8");
+ mysqli_query($lr, "SET NAMES utf8");
+ mysqli_query($lr, "SET collation_connection='utf8_hungarian_ci'");
+ } else {
+ mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8", $lr);
+ mysql_query("SET collation_connection='utf8_hungarian_ci'", $lr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = "message:sql_select_db_failure:db_connect/${SET['fv']}:$modul:".$MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['db'];
+ mysql_close($lr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ } elseif (!isset($MYSQL_DATA[$modul]['db'])) {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = "message:sql_warning:db_connect/${SET['fv']}:modul $modul has empty database config value";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (__DEBUG || (defined('__DETAILED') && __DETAILED)) $_SESSION['alert'][] = "message:sql_connect_failure:db_connect/${SET['fv']}:modul - $modul, priv - $priv, username - $username, db - $db";
+ else $_SESSION['alert'][] = "message:sql_connect_failure:db_connect/${SET['fv']}:$modul modul";
+ }
+ return $lr;
+ }
+ function db_close($lr) {
+ if ($MYSQL_DATA['persistent']!==true) {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ return mysqli_close($lr);
+ else
+ return mysql_close($lr);
+ } else
+ return true; // not closing;
+ }
+ function db_query($q, $SET, $olr = null) {
+ /*
+ $SET = array(
+ 'modul' => '...'
+ 'fv' => '...'
+ 'result' => 'indexed'|'assoc'|'multiassoc'|'idonly'|'value'|'record'|'keyvaluepair'|'insert'|'affected rows'
+ 'keyfield' => '...' (if result in (assoc,multiassoc))
+ 'detailed' => true | false (default) (echo the query in error messages)
+ 'debug' => true | false (default) (echo the query before quering it)
+ 'rollback' => true | false (default)
+ 'values' => array(...) (if $q is an sprintf format string)
+ );
+ */
+ global $_JSON;
+ if (!isset($q) || $q == '') {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:sql_query_failure:db_query/'.$SET['fv'].':query is empty';
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!isset($SET['result'])) $SET['result'] = '';
+ // Adatbázis csatlakozás (ha szükséges)
+ if (isset($olr) && $olr != '') {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $mysql_get_server_info = mysqli_get_server_info($olr);
+ else
+ $mysql_get_server_info = @mysql_get_server_info($olr);
+ }
+ if (isset($olr) && $olr != '' && $mysql_get_server_info !== false) {
+ $lr = $olr;
+ } else {
+ unset($olr);
+ if (in_array(substr(strtolower($q),0,4), array('sele','show','expl','set ','use '))) $lr = @db_connect($SET['modul'], array('priv' => 'Read', 'fv' => $SET['fv']));
+ else $lr = @db_connect($SET['modul'], array('priv' => 'Write', 'fv' => $SET['fv']));
+ }
+ if ($lr === false) {
+ if ($SET['detailed'] === true || __DETAILED) $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:sql_connect_failure:db_query/'.$SET['fv'].':'.$SET['modul'].':'.$q;
+ else $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:sql_connect_failure:db_query/'.$SET['fv'];
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Ha behelyettesítendő paraméterek vannak
+ if (isset($SET['values']) && is_array($SET['values']) && count($SET['values']) > 0) {
+ $SET['values'] = array_map('db_escape_string', $SET['values'], array_fill(0 , count($SET['values']), $lr));
+ array_unshift($SET['values'], $q);
+ $q_pattern = $q;
+ $q = @call_user_func_array('sprintf', $SET['values']);
+ if ($q === false) {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:wrong_data:db_query:behelyettesítés:'.$SET['fv'];
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((isset($SET['debug']) && $SET['debug']===true) || (defined('__DEBUG') && __DEBUG === true)) {
+ $_q = str_replace(" ",'',$q);
+ echo '<pre>info:debug:'.htmlspecialchars($SET['modul'].':'.$SET['fv'].':'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').': '." \n".$_q)."<hr /></pre>";
+ if ($_GET['skin'] == 'ajax') $_JSON['sql log'][] = $SET['modul'].':'.$SET['fv'].':'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').': '." \n".$_q;
+ if ($_GET['skin'] == 'rpc') {
+ openlog("MaYoR", LOG_PID | LOG_PERROR, LOG_LOCAL0);
+ syslog(LOG_WARNING, '[RPC]MySQL: '.(json_encode($SET)).", query: $_q {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} ({$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']})");
+ closelog();
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ ($SET['detailed'] === true || __DETAILED)
+ && strpos($q_pattern, '%s') !== false
+ && (strpos($q_pattern, '`%s`') === false && strpos($q_pattern, "'%s'") === false)
+ ) $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:lehet hiba?:db_query/'.$SET['fv'].':'.$SET['modul'].':'.$q_pattern;
+ if ($SET['log']===true) mayorLogger(10,'mysql',$q,_USERACCOUNT);
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $r = mysqli_query($lr,$q);
+ else
+ $r = @mysql_query($q, $lr);
+ define(MYSQL_LOGGER,false);
+ if (MYSQL_LOGGER === true) {
+ $filename = '/tmp/mysql.log';
+ $fp = fopen($filename, "a+");
+ fputs ($fp, $q."\n");
+ fclose ($fp);
+ }
+// if ((isset($SET['debug']) && $SET['debug']===true) || (defined('__DEBUG') &&__DEBUG === true) || (defined('__DETAILED') && __DETAILED===true)) {
+ if ((isset($SET['debug']) && $SET['debug']===true) || (defined('__DEBUG') &&__DEBUG === true)) {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $warningCountResult = mysqli_query($lr,"SELECT @@warning_count");
+ else
+ $warningCountResult = mysql_query("SELECT @@warning_count",$lr);
+ if ($warningCountResult) {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $warningCount = mysqli_fetch_row($lr,$warningCountResult);
+ else
+ $warningCount = mysql_fetch_row($warningCountResult);
+ if ($warningCount[0] > 0) {
+ //Have warnings
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $warningDetailResult = mysqli_query($lr, "SHOW WARNINGS");
+ else
+ $warningDetailResult = mysql_query("SHOW WARNINGS",$lr);
+ if ($warningDetailResult ) {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ while ($warning = mysqli_fetch_assoc($lr, $warningDetailResult)) {dump($warning); mayorLogger(2,'mysql',$q.' '.$warning,_USERACCOUNT);}
+ else
+ while ($warning = mysql_fetch_assoc($warningDetailResult)) {dump($warning); mayorLogger(2,'mysql',$q.' '.$warning,_USERACCOUNT);}
+ }
+ }//Else no warnings
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$r) {
+ // if ($SET['detailed'] === true || __DETAILED) $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:sql_query_failure:'.$SET['fv'].':'.':'.$q;
+ if ($SET['detailed'] === true || __DETAILED) {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true) {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:sql_query_failure:mysqli:'.$SET['fv'].':'.mysqli_error($lr).':'.$q;
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:sql_query_failure:mysql:'.$SET['fv'].':'.mysql_error($lr).':'.$q;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:sql_query_failure:'.$SET['fv'];
+ }
+ if ($SET['rollback'] === true) db_rollback($lr, $SET['fv']);
+ if (!isset($olr)) db_close($lr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED === true) {
+ if (in_array(substr(strtolower($q),0,4), array('sele','show','expl','(sel'))) {
+ $RESULT = array();
+ switch($SET['result']) {
+ case 'indexed':
+ while ($A = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) $RESULT[] = $A;
+ break;
+ case 'assoc':
+ while ($A = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) $RESULT[$A[$SET['keyfield']]] = $A;
+ break;
+ case 'multiassoc':
+ while ($A = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) $RESULT[$A[$SET['keyfield']]][] = $A;
+ break;
+ case 'idonly':
+ while ($A = mysqli_fetch_row($r)) $RESULT[] = $A[0];
+ break;
+ case 'value':
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) {
+ $A = mysqli_fetch_row($r); $RESULT = $A[0];
+ } else { $RESULT = null; }
+ break;
+ case 'record':
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) {
+ $A = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r); $RESULT = $A;
+ } else { $RESULT = null; }
+ break;
+ case 'keyvaluepair':
+ while ($A = mysqli_fetch_row($r)) $RESULT[$A[0]] = $A[1];
+ break;
+ case 'keyvalues':
+ while ($A = mysqli_fetch_row($r)) $RESULT[$A[0]][] = $A[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ } elseif ($SET['result'] == 'insert' && (substr(strtolower($q),0,6) == 'insert' || substr(strtolower($q),0,7) == 'replace')) {
+ $RESULT = mysqli_insert_id($lr);
+ mayorLogger(1,'mysql',$q,_USERACCOUNT);
+ } elseif ($SET['result'] == 'affected rows') {
+ $RESULT = mysqli_affected_rows($lr);
+ mayorLogger(1,'mysql',$q,_USERACCOUNT);
+ } else { // create, insert, de nem olyan resulttal...
+ $RESULT = $r;
+ mayorLogger(1,'mysql',$q,_USERACCOUNT);
+ }
+ } else { // OLD DRIVER
+ if (in_array(substr(strtolower($q),0,4), array('sele','show','expl','(sel'))) {
+ $RESULT = array();
+ switch($SET['result']) {
+ case 'indexed':
+ while ($A = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) $RESULT[] = $A;
+ break;
+ case 'assoc':
+ while ($A = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) $RESULT[$A[$SET['keyfield']]] = $A;
+ break;
+ case 'multiassoc':
+ while ($A = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) $RESULT[$A[$SET['keyfield']]][] = $A;
+ break;
+ case 'idonly':
+ while ($A = mysql_fetch_row($r)) $RESULT[] = $A[0];
+ break;
+ case 'value':
+ if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
+ $A = mysql_fetch_row($r); $RESULT = $A[0];
+ } else { $RESULT = null; }
+ break;
+ case 'record':
+ if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
+ $A = mysql_fetch_assoc($r); $RESULT = $A;
+ } else { $RESULT = null; }
+ break;
+ case 'keyvaluepair':
+ while ($A = mysql_fetch_row($r)) $RESULT[$A[0]] = $A[1];
+ break;
+ case 'keyvalues':
+ while ($A = mysql_fetch_row($r)) $RESULT[$A[0]][] = $A[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ } elseif ($SET['result'] == 'insert' && (substr(strtolower($q),0,6) == 'insert' || substr(strtolower($q),0,7) == 'replace')) {
+ $RESULT = mysql_insert_id($lr);
+ mayorLogger(1,'mysql',$q,_USERACCOUNT);
+ } elseif ($SET['result'] == 'affected rows') {
+ $RESULT = mysql_affected_rows($lr);
+ mayorLogger(1,'mysql',$q,_USERACCOUNT);
+ } else { // create, insert, de nem olyan resulttal...
+ $RESULT = $r;
+ mayorLogger(1,'mysql',$q,_USERACCOUNT);
+ }
+ } // DRIVER
+ if (!isset($olr)) db_close($lr);
+ return $RESULT;
+ }
+ function db_start_trans($lr) {
+ if ($lr != '')
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED === true)
+ mysqli_query($lr, "START TRANSACTION");
+ else
+ mysql_query("START TRANSACTION", $lr);
+ }
+ function db_commit($lr) {
+ if ($lr != '')
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED === true)
+ mysqli_query($lr, "COMMIT");
+ else
+ mysql_query("COMMIT", $lr);
+ }
+ function db_rollback($lr, $msg = '') {
+ if ($lr != '') {
+ $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:rollback:'.$msg;
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED === true)
+ mysqli_query($lr, "ROLLBACK");
+ else
+ mysql_query("ROLLBACK", $lr);
+ }
+ }
+ function db_escape_string($str, $olr = null) {
+ if (isset($olr)) $lr = $olr;
+ else $lr = db_connect('login');
+ if (!$lr) return false;
+ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+ $return = mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($str), $lr);
+ } else {
+ if (MYSQLI_ENABLED===true)
+ $return = mysqli_real_escape_string($lr, $str);
+ else
+ $return = mysql_real_escape_string($str, $lr);
+ }
+ if (!isset($olr)) db_close($lr);
+ return $return;
+ }