path: root/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 622 deletions
diff --git a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/accountInfo.php b/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/accountInfo.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 113e380b..00000000
--- a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/accountInfo.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
- Module: base/auth-mysql
- Backend: mysql
- function mysqlGetAccountInfo($userAccount, $toPolicy = _POLICY)
- function mysqlGetUserInfo($userAccount, $toPolicy = _POLICY)
- function mysqlChangeAccountInfo($userAccount, $toPolicy = _POLICY)
- function mysqlGetGroupInfo($groupCn, $toPolicy = _POLICY)
-# mysqlGetAccountInfo - felhasználói információk (backend)
- function mysqlGetAccountInfo($userAccount, $toPolicy = _POLICY, $SET = array()) {
- global $AUTH, $backendAttrs, $backendAttrDef;
- // Keresés
- if (is_array($SET['justThese']) && count($SET['justThese']) > 0) {
- $_THESE = '`'.implode('`,`', array_fill(0, count($SET['justThese']), '%s')).'`';
- $v = $SET['justThese'];
- } else {
- $_THESE = '*';
- $v = array();
- }
- $q = "SELECT $_THESE FROM accounts WHERE userAccount='%s' AND policy='%s'";
- array_push($v, $userAccount, $toPolicy);
- $A = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlGetAccountInfo', 'modul' => "$toPolicy auth", 'result' => 'record', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if (!is_array($A) || count($A) == 0) return false;
- $data = array();
- foreach ($A as $attr => $value) $data[$attr][] = $value;
- foreach ($data as $attr => $array) $data[$attr]['count'] = count($array);
- return $data;
- }
-# mysqlGetUserInfo - felhasználói információk (keretrendszer)
- function mysqlGetUserInfo($userAccount, $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
- global $AUTH, $backendAttrs, $backendAttrDef;
- if (!isset($backendAttrs)) list($backendAttrs, $backendAttrDef) = getBackendAttrs('Account', $toPolicy);
- // Keresés
- $q = "SELECT userAccount,userCn FROM accounts WHERE userAccount='%s' AND policy='%s'";
- $A = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlGetUserInfo', 'modul' => "$toPolicy auth", 'result' => 'record', 'values' => array($userAccount, $toPolicy)));
- if (!is_array($A) || count($A) == 0) return false;
- $ret = array();
- foreach ($A as $attr => $value) $ret[$attr][] = $value;
- return $ret;
- }
-# mysqlChangeAccountInfo - felhasználói információk módosítása
- function mysqlChangeAccountInfo($userAccount, $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
- global $AUTH, $backendAttrs, $backendAttrDef;
- // Kapcsolódás az MySQL szerverhez
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlChangeAccountInfo'));
- if (!$lr) return false;
- $emptyAttrs = explode(':',$_POST['emptyAttrs']);
- // Attribútumonként módosítunk
- foreach ($backendAttrs as $attr) {
- if ($backendAttrDef[$attr]['rights'] == '') $rigths = _DEFAULT_MYSQL_RIGHTS;
- else $rights = $backendAttrDef[$attr]['rights'];
- if ($rights[_ACCESS_AS] == 'w') {
- $value = '';
- if ($backendAttrDef[$attr]['type'] == 'int') {
- if ($backendAttrDef[$attr]['type'] != '' ) $value = readVariable($_POST[$attr], 'number');
- } else {
- if ($backendAttrDef[$attr]['type'] != '' ) $value = readVariable($_POST[$attr], 'string'); // html túl erős: pl email címben a @ fent akad...
- }
- if (in_array($attr,$emptyAttrs)) {
- if ($value != '') {
- $q = "UPDATE accounts SET `%s`='%s' WHERE userAccount='%s' AND policy='%s'";
- $v = array($attr, $value, $userAccount, $toPolicy);
- }
- } else {
- if ($value != '') {
- $q = "UPDATE accounts SET `%s`='%s' WHERE userAccount='%s' AND policy='%s'";
- $v = array($attr, $value, $userAccount, $toPolicy);
- } else {
- $q = "UPDATE accounts SET `%s`=NULL WHERE userAccount='%s' AND policy='%s'";
- $v = array($attr, $userAccount, $toPolicy);
- }
- }
- db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlChangeAccountInfo', 'modul' => $modul, 'values' => $v), $lr);
- } else {
- // $_alert[] = 'message:insufficient_access:'.$attr;
- }
- } // foreach
- db_close($lr);
- if (count($_alert) == 0) $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'info:change_success';
- else for ($i = 0; $i < count($_alert); $i++) $_SESSION['alert'][] = $_alert[$i];
- }
-# mysqlGetGroupInfo - csoport információk (backend)
- function mysqlGetGroupInfo($groupCn, $toPolicy = _POLICY, $SET = array()) {
- global $AUTH, $backendAttrs, $backendAttrDef;
- if (!isset($backendAttrs)) list($backendAttrs, $backendAttrDef) = getBackendAttrs('Group', $toPolicy);
- // Kapcsolódás az MySQL szerverhez
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlGetGroupInfo'));
- if (!$lr) return false;
- // Keresés
- if (is_array($SET['justThese']) && count($SET['justThese']) > 0) {
- $_THESE = '`'.implode('`,`', array_fill(0, count($SET['justThese']), '%s')).'`';
- $v = $SET['justThese'];
- } else {
- $_THESE = '*';
- $v = array();
- }
- $q = "SELECT $_THESE FROM groups WHERE groupCn='%s' AND policy='%s'";
- array_push($v, $groupCn, $toPolicy);
- $A = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlGetGroupInfo', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'record', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if (!is_array($A) || count($A) == 0) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- // Megfelelő formátum kialakítása
- foreach ($A as $attr => $value) $data[$attr][] = $value;
- foreach ($data as $attr => $array) $data[$attr]['count'] = count($array);
- // tagok lekérdezése
- $q = "SELECT 'member' AS type, uid AS value, userCn AS txt FROM members LEFT JOIN accounts USING (uid) WHERE gid = '%s'";
- $v = array($A['gid']);
- $data2 = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlGetGroupInfo', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'multiassoc', 'keyfield' => 'type', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($data2 === false) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- $data = array_merge($data, $data2);
- // Lehetséges tagok
- if ($SET['withNewAccounts']===true) {
- $q = "SELECT userCn AS txt, uid AS value FROM accounts WHERE policy='%s' ORDER BY userCn";
- $data['member']['new'] = db_query($q, array(
- 'fv' => 'mysqlGetGroupInfo', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'indexed', 'values' => array($toPolicy)
- ), $lr);
- }
- db_close($lr);
- return $data;
- }
-# mysqlChangeGroupInfo - csoport információk módosítása
- function mysqlChangeGroupInfo($groupCn, $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
-// !!!! A memberuid / member szinkronjára nem figyel!!
- global $AUTH, $backendAttrs, $backendAttrDef;
- // Kapcsolódás az MySQL szerverhez
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlChangeGroupInfo'));
- if (!$lr) return false;
- $q = "SELECT gid FROM groups WHERE groupCn='%s' AND policy='%s'";
- $v = array($groupCn, $toPolicy);
- $gid = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlChangeGroupInfo', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'value', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($gid === false) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- $emptyAttrs = explode(':', $_POST['emptyAttrs']);
- // Attribútumonként módosítunk
- foreach ($backendAttrs as $attr) {
- if ($backendAttrDef[$attr]['rights'] == '') $rigths = _DEFAULT_LDAP_RIGHTS;
- else $rights = $backendAttrDef[$attr]['rights'];
- if ($rights[_ACCESS_AS] == 'w') {
- $Mod = $Add = $Del = $V = $v = array();
- $values = array();
- if ($backendAttrDef[$attr]['type'] != '')
- if (isset($_POST[$attr])) $values[0] = readVariable($_POST[$attr],'html');
- else $values[0] = '';
- if ($backendAttrDef[$attr]['type'] == 'select') {
- if ($attr == 'member') {
- if (isset($_POST['new-'.$attr][0]) && $_POST['new-'.$attr][0] != '') {
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['new-'.$attr]); $i++) {
- $V[] = "(%u, %u)";
- array_push($v, $_POST['new-'.$attr][$i], $gid);
- }
- $q = "INSERT INTO members (uid, gid) VALUES ".implode(',', $V);
- db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlChangeGroupInfo', 'modul' => $modul, 'values' => $v), $lr);
- }
- if (isset($_POST['del-'.$attr][0]) && $_POST['del-'.$attr][0] != '') {
- $q = "DELETE FROM members WHERE gid=%u
- AND uid IN (".implode(',', array_fill(0, count($_POST['del-'.$attr]), '%u')).")";
- $v = array_merge(array($gid), $_POST['del-'.$attr]);
- $r = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlChangeGroupInfo', 'modul' => $modul, 'values' => $v), $lr);
- }
- } else {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:invalid_type:select:'.$attr;
- }
- } else {
- if (in_array($attr, $emptyAttrs)) {
- if ($values[0] != '') {
- $W = "`%s`='%s'";
- $v = array($attr, $values[0]);
- }
- } else {
- if ($values[0] != '') {
- $W = "`%s`='%s'";
- $v = array($attr, $values[0]);
- } else {
- $W = "`%s`=NULL";
- $v = array($attr);
- }
- }
- $q = "UPDATE groups SET $W WHERE groupCn='%s' AND policy='%s'";
- array_push($v, $groupCn, $toPolicy);
- db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlChangeGroupInfo', 'modul' => $modul, 'values' => $v), $lr);
- }
- } else {
- $_alert[] = 'message:insufficient_access:'.$attr;
- }
- } // foreach
- db_close($lr);
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/base.php b/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/base.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 35272ff8..00000000
--- a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/base.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- Module: base/session
- Backend: mysql
- function mysqlMemberOf($userAccount, $groupCn, $toPolicy = _POLICY)
- require_once('include/backend/mysql/base/attrs.php');
- function mysqlMemberOf($userAccount, $groupCn, $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
- global $AUTH;
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlMemberOf'));
- if (!$lr) return _AUTH_FAILURE;
- // Az uid lekérdezése
- if (!defined(('__'.$toPolicy.'_UID')) || _USERACCOUNT != $userAccount) { // egy policy-hez csak egy uid tartozik
- $q = "SELECT uid FROM accounts WHERE userAccount = '%s' AND policy = '%s'";
- $v = array($userAccount, $toPolicy);
- $uid = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlMemberOf', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'value', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($uid === false) {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:no_account:'."$userAccount:$toPolicy";
- db_close($lr); return false;
- }
- if (!defined('__'.$toPolicy.'_UID')) define('__'.$toPolicy.'_UID',$uid);
- } else {
- $uid=constant('__'.$toPolicy.'_UID');
- }
- // Az gid lekérdezése
- $q = "SELECT gid FROM groups WHERE groupCn = '%s' AND policy = '%s'";
- $v = array($groupCn, $toPolicy);
- $gid = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlMemberOf', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'value', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($gid === false) {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:no_group:'."$groupCn:$toPolicy";
- db_close($lr); return false;
- }
- // Benne van-e a csoportban
- $q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM members WHERE uid = %u AND gid = %u";
- $v = array($uid, $gid);
- $num = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlMemberOf', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'value', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- db_close($lr);
- return ($num > 0);
- }
diff --git a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/createAccount.php b/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/createAccount.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 25ff9132..00000000
--- a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/createAccount.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- Module: base/session
- Backend: mysql
- function mysqlCreateAccount($userCn, $userAccount, $studyId, $userPassword, $category, $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
- /*
- $SET = array(
- container => a konténer elem - MySQL backend esetén nincs értelme
- category => tanár, diák... egy kiemelt fontosságú csoport tagság
- groups => egyéb csoportok
- policyAttrs => policy függő attribútumok
- createGroup => létrehozza az adott nevű csoportokat, ha nincsenek
- )
- */
- function mysqlCreateAccount(
- $userCn, $userAccount, $userPassword, $toPolicy, $SET
- ) {
- global $AUTH;
- $shadowlastchange = floor(time() / (60*60*24));
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateAccount'));
- if (!$lr) return _AUTH_FAILURE;
- // ütközés ellenőrzése
- $q = "SELECT COUNT(userCn) FROM accounts WHERE userAccount = '%s' AND policy = '%s'";
- $v = array($userAccount, $toPolicy);
- $num = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'value', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($num > 0) {
- db_close($lr);
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:multi_uid'.":$userAccount:$toPolicy";
- return false;
- }
- // A shadowLastChange a mai nap // if (isset($AUTH[$toPolicy]['shadowlastchange']) && $AUTH[$toPolicy]['shadowlastchange'] != '') $shadowlastchange = $AUTH[$toPolicy]['shadowlastchange'];
- $shadowmin = readVariable($AUTH[$toPolicy]['shadowmin'], 'numeric unsigned', 'null'); // null szöveg
- $shadowmax = readVariable($AUTH[$toPolicy]['shadowmax'], 'numeric unsigned', 'null'); // null szöveg
- $shadowwarning = readVariable($AUTH[$toPolicy]['shadowwarning'], 'numeric unsigned', 'null'); // null szöveg
- $shadowinactive = readVariable($AUTH[$toPolicy]['shadowinactive'], 'numeric unsigned', 'null'); // null szöveg
- $shadowexpire = readVariable($AUTH[$toPolicy]['shadowexpire'], 'numeric unsigned', 'null'); // null szöveg
- // A $SET['policyAttrs'] feldolgozása
- $attrList = array_keys($SET['policyAttrs']);
- $valueList = array_values($SET['policyAttrs']);
- // user felvétele
- if (count($attrList) > 0) {
- $q = "INSERT INTO accounts (
- policy, userAccount, userCn, userPassword, shadowLastChange, shadowMin, shadowMax, shadowWarning, shadowInactive, shadowExpire,
- `".implode('`, `', array_fill(0, count($attrList), '%s'))."`
- ) VALUES (
- '%s', '%s', '%s', sha('%s'), %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, '".implode("', '", array_fill(0, count($valueList), '%s'))."'
- )";
- } else{
- $q = "INSERT INTO accounts (
- policy, userAccount, userCn, userPassword, shadowLastChange, shadowMin, shadowMax, shadowWarning, shadowInactive, shadowExpire
- ) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', sha('%s'), %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)";
- }
- $v = array_merge(
- $attrList,
- array($toPolicy, $userAccount, $userCn, $userPassword, $shadowlastchange, $shadowmin, $shadowmax, $shadowwarning, $shadowinactive, $shadowexpire),
- $valueList
- );
- $uid = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'insert', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($uid === false) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- // user berakása a kategóriájának megfelelő csoportokba
- if (isset($SET['category'])) {
- if (is_array($SET['groups'])) array_unshift($SET['groups'], $SET['category']);
- else $SET['groups'] = array($SET['category']);
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($SET['groups']); $i++) {
- $category = $SET['groups'][$i];
- $groupCn = kisbetus(ekezettelen($category));
- if ($category == '') continue;
- $q = "SELECT gid FROM groups WHERE groupCn='%s'";
- $gid = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'value', 'values' => array($groupCn)), $lr);
- if ($gid === false || is_null($gid)) { // --FIXME -- ez jó így BENCE radyx
- if ($SET['createGroup']) {
- require_once('include/modules/session/createGroup.php');
- //createGroup($groupCn, "$category csoport", $category, $toPolicy = _POLICY);
- createGroup($groupCn, "$category csoport", $toPolicy = _POLICY, array('category'=>$category));
- $gid = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'value', 'values' => array($groupCn)), $lr);
- } else {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:wrong_data:mysqlCreateAccount - nincsmegadva/hibás kategória:'.$category.':'.$groupCn;
- db_close($lr); return false;
- }
- }
- $q = "INSERT INTO members (uid,gid) VALUES (%u, %u)";
- $r = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'values' => array($uid, $gid)), $lr);
- if (!$r) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- }
- }
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'info:create_account_success:'.$userAccount;
- db_close($lr);
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/createGroup.php b/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/createGroup.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d1bc4f7b..00000000
--- a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/createGroup.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- function mysqlCreateGroup($groupCn, $groupDesc, $toPolicy = _POLICY, $SET = null) {
- global $AUTH;
- // $toPolicy --> backend - ellenőrzés!
- if ($AUTH[$toPolicy]['backend'] != 'mysql') {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'page:wrong_backend:'.$AUTH[$toPolicy]['backend'];
- return false;
- }
- // Kapcsolódás az MySQL szerverhez
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = @db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateGroup'));
- if (!$lr) return false;
- // cn ütközés ellenőrzése
- $q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groups WHERE policy='%s' AND groupCn='%s'";
- $v = array($toPolicy, $groupCn);
- $num = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateGroup', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'value', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($num === false) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- if ($num > 0) { $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:multi_uid:'.$groupCn; db_close($lr); return false; }
- // csoport felvétel
- $q = "INSERT INTO groups (groupCn, groupDesc, policy) VALUES ('%s', '%s','%s')";
- $v = array($groupCn, $groupDesc, $toPolicy);
- $gid = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlCreateGroup', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'insert', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($gid === false) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'info:create_group_success:'.$dn;
- db_close($lr);
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/search/searchAccount.php b/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/search/searchAccount.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fa4584b0..00000000
--- a/mayor-orig/www/include/backend/mysql/session/search/searchAccount.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- Module: base/session
- Backend: mysql
-# MySQL account kereső függvény
- function mysqlSearchAccount($attr, $pattern, $searchAttrs = array('userCn'), $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
- global $AUTH;
- if ($pattern == '') {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:empty_field:mysqlSerachAccount, pattern';
- return false;
- }
- // Kapcsolódás az MySQL szerverhez
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = @db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlSearchAccount'));
- if (!$lr) return false;
- // Keresés
- $q = "SELECT `".implode('`,`', array_fill(0, count($searchAttrs), '%s'))."` FROM accounts WHERE `%s` LIKE '%%%s%%' AND policy='%s'";
- $v = array_merge($searchAttrs, array($attr, $pattern, $toPolicy));
- $r = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlSearchAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'indexed', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- db_close($lr);
- if ($r === false) return false;
- $ret = array('count' => count($r));
- foreach ($r as $key => $A) {
- $data = array();
- foreach ($A as $attr => $value) {
- $data[$attr] = array($value);
- $data[$attr]['count']++;
- }
- $data['category'] = getAccountCategories($data['userAccount'][0], $toPolicy);
- $data['category']['count'] = count($data['category']);
- $ret[] = $data;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
-# MySQL group kereső függvény
- function mysqlSearchGroup($attr, $pattern, $searchAttrs = array('userCn'), $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
- global $AUTH;
- if ($pattern == '') {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'message:empty_field:mysqlSearchGroup, pattern';
- return false;
- }
- // Kapcsolódás az MySQL szerverhez
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlSearchGroup'));
- if (!$lr) return false;
- // Keresés
- if ($attr == 'member') {
- $q = "SELECT `".implode('`,`', array_fill(0, count($searchAttrs), '%s'))."` FROM groups LEFT JOIN members
- ON members.gid=groups.gid
- LEFT JOIN accounts USING (uid)
- WHERE gid IN
- (SELECT DISTINCT gid FROM accounts LEFT JOIN members USING(uid) WHERE userAccount LIKE '%%%s%%' AND policy='%s')
- AND groups.policy='%s'";
- $v = array_merge($searchAttrs, array($pattern, $toPolicy, $toPolicy));
- } else {
- $q = "SELECT DISTINCT `".implode('`,`', array_fill(0, count($searchAttrs), '%s'))."` FROM groups LEFT JOIN members
- ON members.gid=groups.gid
- LEFT JOIN accounts USING (uid)
- WHERE `%s` LIKE '%%%s%%' AND groups.policy='%s'";
- $v = array_merge($searchAttrs, array($attr, $pattern, $toPolicy));
- }
- $r = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlSearchGroup', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'indexed', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- db_close($lr);
- if ($r === false) return false;
- $ret = array('count' => count($r));
- foreach ($r as $key => $A) {
- $data = array();
- foreach ($A as $attr => $value) {
- $data[$attr] = array($value);
- }
- $ret[] = $data;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
-# mysqlDeleteAccount - account törlése
- function mysqlDeleteAccount($userAccount, $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
- global $AUTH;
- // $toPolicy --> mysql backend - ellenőrzés
- if ($AUTH[$toPolicy]['backend'] != 'mysql') {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'page:wrong_backend:'.$AUTH[$toPolicy]['backend'];
- return false;
- }
- // Kapcsolódás az MySQL szerverhez
- $modul = "$toPolicy auth";
- $lr = @db_connect($modul, array('fv' => 'mysqlDeleteAccount'));
- if (!$lr) return false;
- // Az uidNumber, a homeDirectory lekerdezése - és mire használjuk, ha szabad kérdeznem???
- if ($AUTH[$toPolicy]['createHomeDir']) {
- $q = "SELECT homeDirectory, uid FROM accounts WHERE policy='%s' AND userAccount='%s'";
- $v = array($toPolicy, $userAccount);
- $ret = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlDeleteAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'result' => 'record', 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if ($ret === false) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- $homeDirectory = $ret['homeDirectory']; // de nem használjuk semmire...
- // A user csoport törlése
- $q = "DELETE FROM groups WHERE gid=%u";
- $v = array($ret['uid']);
- $r = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlDeleteAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'values' => $v), $lr);
- if (!$r) { db_close($lr); return false; }
- }
- // user törlése
- $q = "DELETE FROM accounts WHERE policy='%s' AND userAccount='%s'";
- $v = array($toPolicy, $userAccount);
- $r = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlDeleteAccount', 'modul' => $modul, 'values' => $v), $lr);
- db_close($lr);
- // törlés a csoportból - Ha innoDb - akkor nincs ezzel tennivaló!!
- if ($r) $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'info:delete_uid_success:'.$userDn;
- return $r;
- }
-# mysqlDeleteGroup - group törlése
- function mysqlDeleteGroup($groupCn, $toPolicy = _POLICY) {
- global $AUTH;
- // $toPolicy --> mysql backend - ellenőrzés
- if ($AUTH[$toPolicy]['backend'] != 'mysql') {
- $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'page:wrong_backend:'.$AUTH[$toPolicy]['backend'];
- return false;
- }
- // csoport törlése
- $q = "DELETE FROM groups WHERE policy='%s' AND groupCn='%s'";
- $v = array($toPolicy, $groupCn);
- $r = db_query($q, array('fv' => 'mysqlDeleteGroup', 'modul' => "$toPolicy auth", 'values' => $v));
- if ($r) $_SESSION['alert'][] = 'info:delete_uid_success:'.$userDn;
- // tagok törlése a csoportból - Ha innoDb - akkor nincs ezzel tennivaló!!
- return $r;
- }