#!/usr/bin/php $val){ $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".label ".$val['label']."\n"; $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".draw ".$val['draw']."\n"; $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".info ".$val['info']."\n"; if(isset($val['type'])){ $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".type ".$val['type']."\n"; } if(isset($val['min'])) { $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".min ".$val['min']."\n"; } if(isset($val['cdef'])){ $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".cdef ".$val['cdef']."\n"; } if(isset($val['graph'])){ $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".graph ".$val['graph']."\n"; } if(isset($val['max'])){ $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".max ".$val['max']."\n"; } if(isset($val['negative'])){ $cf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".negative ".$val['negative']."\n"; } } $cf .= "\n"; echo iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-2", $cf), PHP_EOL; } function print_data($inp) { if(!array_key_exists('data', $inp) or !array_key_exists('g_multi', $inp)){ return; } $pf = "multigraph unifi_".$inp['g_multi']."\n"; foreach($inp['data'] as $key => $val){ $pf .= "unifi_".$val['name'].".value ".$val['value']."\n" ; } $pf .= "\n"; echo iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-2", $pf), PHP_EOL; } function count_wl_networks($inp){ //Count wireless networks from interfade data $num = -10; foreach($inp as $key => $val){ // jump to the end of wl interface list if(strpos($key, "iso.") !== false){ if(is_numeric(explode(": ", $val)[1]) and $num < explode(": ", $val)[1]){ $num = explode(": ", $val)[1]; } } } $num = $num+1; //Because the snmp counts from 0 if($num > 0){ return $num; } else { return -1; } } function collect_radio_summary($inp,$host){ global $controller, $replace_chars; $ret = array(); if(isset($host) and $host !== null and $host != "" ){ if(!array_key_exists($host, $inp)){ return $ret; } $ret['g_multi'] = "radio_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$controller).".".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$host); $ret['g_controller'] = $controller; $location = str_replace("\"", "", explode(": ", $inp[$host]["iso."])[1]); if( $location != "Unknown" and $location != "" ){ $ret['g_title'] = "Unifi Clients on: ".$location ; } // if the Location is not filled in Controller settings, use the hostname or ip address else { $ret['g_title'] = "Unifi Clients on: ".$host; }; $ret['g_vlabel'] = "Users"; $ret['g_category'] = "wl_clients_ap"; $ret['g_info'] = "ubnt_wireless"; } else { $ret['g_multi'] = "radio_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$controller); $ret['g_controller'] = $controller; $ret['g_title'] = "Unifi Clients on: $controller (total)"; $ret['g_vlabel'] = "Users"; $ret['g_category'] = "Wl_clients_all"; $ret['g_info'] = "ubnt_wireless"; } $ret['head'][0]['name'] = "sum_clients"; $ret['head'][0]['label'] = "Total clients"; $ret['head'][0]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][0]['info'] = "Total Clients"; $ret['head'][0]['type'] = "GAUGE"; $ret['head'][0]['min'] = "0"; $ret['head'][1]['name'] = "2g_clients"; $ret['head'][1]['label'] = "2.4Ghz"; $ret['head'][1]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][1]['info'] = "2.4Ghz Clients"; $ret['head'][1]['type'] = "GAUGE"; $ret['head'][1]['min'] = "0"; $ret['head'][2]['name'] = "5g_clients"; $ret['head'][2]['label'] = "5Ghz"; $ret['head'][2]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][2]['info'] = "2.4Ghz Clients"; $ret['head'][2]['type'] = "GAUGE"; $ret['head'][2]['min'] = "0"; if(isset($host) and $host !== null and $host != "" ){ // trim raw data array to current device (in $host) or use the whole array when calculating controller's data $temp = $inp; unset($inp); $inp = array($host => $temp[$host]); unset($temp); } foreach($inp as $key => $val){ for($i=1; $i<=count_wl_networks($inp[$key]); $i++){ //Collect clients by band. if( explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1] < 15 ){ //2.4Ghz client $ret['data'][1]['name'] = "2g_clients"; @$ret['data'][1]['value'] += explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]; } else { // 5Ghz clients $ret['data'][2]['name'] = "5g_clients"; @$ret['data'][2]['value'] += explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]; } } $ret['data'][0]['name'] = "sum_clients"; $ret['data'][0]['value'] = $ret['data'][1]['value'] + $ret['data'][2]['value']; for($i=1; $i<=count_wl_networks($inp[$key]); $i++){ //Collect clients by SSID. foreach($ret['data'] as $key2 => $val2){ //find if ssid is already used if($ret['data'][$key2]['name'] == str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) ){ break; } } //found, update record if($ret['data'][$key2]['name'] == str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) ){ $ret['data'][$key2]['value'] += explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]; } else { //not found, new record $ret['data'][] = array( "name" => str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]), "value" => explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1] ); $ret['head'][] = array( "name" => str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]), "label" => str_replace("\"", "",explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1] ), "draw" => "LINE1.2", "info" => explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1], "type" => "GAUGE", "min" => "0", ); } } } return $ret; } function collect_netw_summary($inp,$host){ //network information global $controller, $replace_chars; $ret = array(); if(isset($host) and $host !== null and $host != "" ){ // When showing the Ap's summary. if(!array_key_exists($host, $inp)){ return $ret; } $temp = $inp; unset($inp); $inp = array($host => $temp[$host]); unset($temp); $multiplier = 8; $divider = 1; } else { $multiplier = 8*1024*4; // When showing the controller's summary $divider = 1024*4; //because the normal INTEGER(32) would be overflowed } if(isset($host) and $host !== null and $host != "" ){ $ret['g_multi'] = "netw_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$controller).".".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$host); $ret['g_controller'] = $controller; $location = str_replace("\"", "", explode(": ", $inp[$host]["iso."])[1]); if($location != "Unknown" and $location != ""){ $ret['g_title'] = "Network Usage on: ".$location; } else{$ret['g_title'] = "Network Usage on: ".$host;} $ret['g_vlabel'] = "bits in(-) / out(+) per second"; $ret['g_category'] = "Wl_netw_ap"; $ret['g_info'] = "ubnt_network"; $ret['g_order'] = "unifi_rx_all unifi_tx_all unifi_rx_2g unifi_tx_2g unifi_rx_5g unifi_tx_5g"; } else { $ret['g_multi'] = "netw_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$controller); $ret['g_controller'] = $controller; $ret['g_title'] = "Netwok Usage on: $controller (total)"; $ret['g_vlabel'] = "bits in(-) / out(+) per second"; $ret['g_category'] = "Wl_netw_all"; $ret['g_info'] = "ubnt_network"; $ret['g_order'] = "unifi_rx_all unifi_tx_all unifi_rx_2g unifi_tx_2g unifi_rx_5g unifi_tx_5g"; } $ret['head'][0]['name'] = "rx_all"; $ret['head'][0]['label'] = "RxTotal (bps)"; $ret['head'][0]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][0]['info'] = "Total Received"; $ret['head'][0]['type'] = "DERIVE"; $ret['head'][0]['min'] = "0"; $ret['head'][0]['graph'] = "no"; $ret['head'][0]['cdef'] = "unifi_rx_all,$multiplier,*"; $ret['head'][0]['max'] = "1000000000"; $ret['head'][1]['name'] = "tx_all"; $ret['head'][1]['label'] = "Total (bps)"; $ret['head'][1]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][1]['info'] = "Total Sent"; $ret['head'][1]['type'] = "DERIVE"; $ret['head'][1]['min'] = "0"; $ret['head'][1]['cdef'] = "unifi_tx_all,$multiplier,*"; $ret['head'][1]['max'] = "1000000000"; $ret['head'][1]['negative'] = "unifi_rx_all"; $ret['head'][2]['name'] = "rx_2g"; $ret['head'][2]['label'] = "2G (bps)"; $ret['head'][2]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][2]['info'] = "Total Received"; $ret['head'][2]['type'] = "DERIVE"; $ret['head'][2]['min'] = "0"; $ret['head'][2]['graph'] = "no"; $ret['head'][2]['cdef'] = "unifi_rx_2g,$multiplier,*"; $ret['head'][2]['max'] = "1000000000"; $ret['head'][3]['name'] = "tx_2g"; $ret['head'][3]['label'] = "2G (bps)"; $ret['head'][3]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][3]['info'] = "Total Sent"; $ret['head'][3]['type'] = "DERIVE"; $ret['head'][3]['min'] = "0"; $ret['head'][3]['cdef'] = "unifi_tx_2g,$multiplier,*"; $ret['head'][3]['max'] = "1000000000"; $ret['head'][3]['negative'] = "unifi_rx_2g"; $ret['head'][4]['name'] = "rx_5g"; $ret['head'][4]['label'] = "5G (bps)"; $ret['head'][4]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][4]['info'] = "Total Received"; $ret['head'][4]['type'] = "DERIVE"; $ret['head'][4]['min'] = "0"; $ret['head'][4]['graph'] = "no"; $ret['head'][4]['cdef'] = "unifi_rx_5g,$multiplier,*"; $ret['head'][4]['max'] = "1000000000"; $ret['head'][5]['name'] = "tx_5g"; $ret['head'][5]['label'] = "5G (bps)"; $ret['head'][5]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][5]['info'] = "Total Sent"; $ret['head'][5]['type'] = "DERIVE"; $ret['head'][5]['min'] = "0"; $ret['head'][5]['cdef'] = "unifi_tx_5g,$multiplier,*"; $ret['head'][5]['max'] = "1000000000"; $ret['head'][5]['negative'] = "unifi_rx_5g"; foreach($inp as $key => $val){ for($i=1; $i<=count_wl_networks($inp[$key]); $i++){ //Collect netw_bytes by band and direction. if( explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1] < 15 ){ //2.4Ghz client $ret['data'][2]['name'] = "rx_2g"; @$ret['data'][2]['value'] += round((explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) / $divider); $ret['data'][3]['name'] = "tx_2g"; @$ret['data'][3]['value'] += round((explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) / $divider); } else { // 5Ghz clients $ret['data'][4]['name'] = "rx_5g"; @$ret['data'][4]['value'] += round((explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) / $divider); $ret['data'][5]['name'] = "tx_5g"; @$ret['data'][5]['value'] += round((explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) / $divider); } } $ret['data'][0]['name'] = "rx_all"; $ret['data'][0]['value'] = $ret['data'][2]['value'] + $ret['data'][4]['value']; $ret['data'][1]['name'] = "tx_all"; $ret['data'][1]['value'] = $ret['data'][3]['value'] + $ret['data'][5]['value']; for($i=1; $i<=count_wl_networks($inp[$key]); $i++){ //Collect netw_bytes by SSID. foreach($ret['data'] as $key2 => $val2){ //find if ssid is already used if($ret['data'][$key2]['name'] == "rx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) ){ break; } } //ssid found, update record if($ret['data'][$key2]['name'] == "rx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) ){ $ret['data'][$key2]['value'] += round((explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) / $divider); } else { //ssid not found, new record $ret['data'][] = array( "name" => "rx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]), "value" => round((explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) / $divider) , ); $ret['head'][] = array( "name" => "rx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]), "label" => "RX_".str_replace("\"", "",explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1] )." (bps)", "draw" => "LINE1.2", "info" => "Rx_".explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1], "type" => "DERIVE", "min" => "0", "graph" => "no", "cdef" => "unifi_rx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]).",$multiplier,*", "max" => "1000000000", ); } foreach($ret['data'] as $key2 => $val2){ //find if ssid is already used if($ret['data'][$key2]['name'] == "tx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) ){ break; } } //ssid found, update record if($ret['data'][$key2]['name'] == "tx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) ){ $ret['data'][$key2]['value'] += round((explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) / $divider); } else { //ssid not found, new record $ret['data'][] = array( "name" => "tx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]), "value" => round((explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]) / $divider) , ); $ret['head'][] = array( "name" => "tx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]), "label" => "".str_replace("\"", "",explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1] )." (bps)", "draw" => "LINE1.2", "info" => "Tx_".explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1], "type" => "DERIVE", "min" => "0", "cdef" => "unifi_tx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]).",$multiplier,*", "max" => "1000000000", "negative" => "unifi_rx_".str_replace($replace_chars, "_", explode(": ", $inp[$key]["iso.".$i])[1]), ); } } } return $ret; } function collect_response_time($inp, $host){ //Calculates the Roundtrip time array from raw data global $controller, $replace_chars; $ret = array(); if(isset($host) and $host !== null and $host != "" ){ if(!array_key_exists($host, $inp)){ return $ret; } $ret['g_multi'] = "ping_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$controller).".".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$host); $ret['g_controller'] = $controller; $location = str_replace("\"", "", explode(": ", $inp[$host]["iso."])[1]); if( $location != "Unknown" and $location != "" ){ $ret['g_title'] = "AP response time on: ".$location ; } // if the Location is not filled in Controller settings, use t else { $ret['g_title'] = "AP response time on: ".$host; }; $ret['g_vlabel'] = "Roundtrip time (seconds)"; $ret['g_category'] = "wl_ping_ap"; $ret['g_info'] = "ubnt_wireless"; // $ret['g_order'] = 'unifi_ping_time'; } else { $ret['g_multi'] = "ping_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$controller); $ret['g_controller'] = $controller; $ret['g_title'] = "AP response time on: $controller (all)"; $ret['g_vlabel'] = "Roundtrip time (seconds)"; $ret['g_category'] = "Wl_ping_all"; $ret['g_info'] = "ubnt_wireless"; $ret['g_order'] = "unifi_ping_average"." "; foreach($inp as $key => $val){ //prints the host names on summary $ret['g_order'] .= "unifi_ping_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$key)." "; } } if(isset($host) and $host !== null and $host != "" ){ // chunks the raw data to the current AP's data only $temp = $inp; unset($inp); $inp = array($host => $temp[$host]); unset($temp); } $sum_time = 0; $i = 0; foreach($inp as $key => $val){ $ret['head'][$i]['name'] = "ping_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$key); $ret['head'][$i]['label'] = $key; $ret['head'][$i]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][$i]['info'] = "Response Time"; $ret['head'][$i]['type'] = "GAUGE"; $ret['head'][$i]['min'] = "0"; $ret['data'][$i]['name'] = "ping_".str_replace( array(".", ":"), "_" ,$key); $ret['data'][$i]['value'] = round($val["response_time"], 7); $sum_time += $ret['data'][$i]['value']; $i++; } if($host == null){ //count average $ret['head'][$i+1]['name'] = "ping_average"; $ret['head'][$i+1]['label'] = "Average"; $ret['head'][$i+1]['draw'] = "LINE1.2"; $ret['head'][$i+1]['info'] = "Response Time"; $ret['head'][$i+1]['type'] = "GAUGE"; $ret['head'][$i+1]['min'] = "0"; } if(count($inp) != 0 && $host == null){ //count average $ret['data'][$i+1]['value'] = $sum_time/count($inp); $ret['data'][$i+1]['name'] = "ping_average"; } return $ret; } /******************************** START ********************************/ $hosts = explode(" ", $hosts); $netw = @explode('/', $devnetw)[0]; $mask = @explode('/', $devnetw)[1]; $hosts2 = array(); $hostsip = array(); if($mask != 0 ){ for($i=1; $i<(1 << (32 - $mask)); $i++ ){ // fetch ip addresses from given network and mask $hosts2[] = long2ip((ip2long($netw) & ~((1 << (32 - $mask)) -1)) +$i ) ; } } foreach($hosts as $key => $val){ // delete addresses which are given by hostname $hostsip[$key] = array(); $hostsip[$key]['hs'] = $val; putenv('RES_OPTIONS="retrans:1 retry:1 timeout:1 attempts:1"'); //faster name resolving ? $hostsip[$key]['ip'] = gethostbyname($val); /* Returns unmodified string, when error, or ip input */ if($hostsip[$key]['ip'] == $hostsip[$key]['hs'] && filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) == ""){ /* if non ip is returned by gethost */ $hostsip[$key]['ip'] = ""; //Delete, if name resolving error } if(isset($resolvdup) && $resolvdup == "1"){ //Clarify duplicated devices if(in_array($hostsip[$key]['ip'], $hosts2)){ unset($hosts2[ array_keys($hosts2, $hostsip[$key]['ip'])[0] ]); } } } $i = count($hostsip); foreach($hosts2 as $key2 => $val2){ // Merge hosts into one $hostsip[$i] = array(); $hostsip[$i]['hs'] = $val2; $hostsip[$i]['ip'] = $val2; $i++; } //$hosts = array_merge($hosts, $hosts2); unset($hosts2); $numhost = count($hostsip); $shm_key = ftok($argv[0], 'c'); $shm = shmop_open($shm_key, "c", 0640, ceil($numhost/$maxproc)*32768); $sf = sem_get($shm_key,1,0640,1); $child = array(); $raw = array(); $hostsipr = $hostsip; unset($hostsip); $hostsipt = array(); for($i=0,$j=0; $i<$numhost; $i++){ //Sorting addresses for child-processes if($j >= $maxproc){ //With permutation $j = 0; } if(array_key_exists($j, $hostsipt) === FALSE){ //$hostst[$j] = array(); $hostsipt[$j] = array(); } //$hostst[$j] = array_merge($hostst[$j], array($hostsr[$i])); //With permutation $hostsipt[$j] = array_merge($hostsipt[$j], array($hostsipr[$i])); //With permutation $j++; } /******************************** Child Processes ********************************/ for ($p=0; $p<$maxproc; $p++){ //Starts child processes to retrieve SNMP data. unset($hostsip); $hostsip = array(); if(array_key_exists($p,$hostsipt)){ //$hosts = $hostst[$p]; $hostsip = $hostsipt[$p]; } $pid = pcntl_fork(); if($pid == -1){ die('could not fork'); } else if($pid){ // we are the parent process $child[$p] = $pid; } else { // child $raw=array(); foreach($hostsip as $key => $val){ // get raw snmp data from unifi devices if($hostsip[$key]['ip'] == ""){ unset($hostsip[$key]); } if($val['hs'] != "") { $begin = microtime(TRUE); $raw[$val['hs']] = @snmp2_real_walk($val['ip'], "public", ".", $timeout*1000, $retry ); // wl network info //$raw[$val['hs']]["response_time"] = abs($begin - microtime(TRUE)); // If we count the time of the first response $raw[$val['hs']]["iso."] = @snmp2_get($val['ip'], "public", ".", $timeout*1000, $retry ) ; // location info $raw[$val['hs']]["iso."] = @snmp2_get($val['ip'], "public", ".", $timeout*1000, $retry ) ; // descr. info $raw[$val['hs']]["response_time"] = abs($begin - microtime(TRUE)); // Or the time of all responses. } if( !isset($raw[$val['hs']]["iso."]) ){ // Check if AP is alive unset($raw[$val['hs']]); unset($hostsip[$key]); } $null=""; for($f=0; $f<(32768 - strlen(@json_encode($raw))); $f++){ //Because the json_decode() error, clear the remain parts. $null .= "\0"; } sem_acquire($sf); //Get the seamphore while(ord(shmop_read($shm, 0, 0)) ) {continue;} //waiting for master to pull the data shmop_write($shm, @json_encode($raw).$null, 0); sem_release($sf); } exit; } } unset($hostsipt); unset($hostsip); function numchild($child, $n){ //How many child process is alive $l=0; for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){ if($child[$i] > 0){ $l++; } } return $l; } /******************************** Wait for childs ********************************/ while(numchild($child, $maxproc)){ //Receive the raw data segments and wait for child processes for($p=0; $p<$maxproc; $p++){ if( abs($pid = pcntl_waitpid($child[$p], $status, WNOHANG)) > 0) {//Protect against Zombie children $child[$p] = 0; } } $ret = shmop_read($shm, 0, 0); //Read from shared memory if(ord($ret)){ $ret = preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]]/', '', $ret); // for json_decode $raw = @array_merge($raw, @json_decode($ret, true)); shmop_write($shm,"\0\0\0\0\0", 0); } usleep(100); //Less cpu load } sem_remove($sf); shmop_delete($shm); shmop_close($shm); $hostsip = $hostsipr; //print_r($raw); //print_r($hostsip); //$test = collect_netw_summary($raw, "ap12.wireless.lan"); //print_r($test); //$test = collect_response_time($raw, "ap12.wireless.lan"); //print_r($test); /******************************** Print the result ********************************/ if(!is_array($raw) /*|| empty($raw)*/){ die(); } if (isset($argv[1]) and $argv[1] == "config"){ // munin config print_header(collect_radio_summary($raw,null)); foreach($hostsip as $key => $val){ print_header(collect_radio_summary($raw,$val['hs'])); } print_header(collect_netw_summary($raw,null)); foreach($hostsip as $key => $val){ print_header(collect_netw_summary($raw,$val['hs'])); } print_header(collect_response_time($raw,null)); foreach($hostsip as $key => $val){ print_header(collect_response_time($raw,$val['hs'])); } } else if(isset($argv[1]) and $argv[1] == "debug"){ echo "\n\n DEBUG INFORMATION FROM munin_unifi \n\n"; echo "Configurations:\n"; echo "\tController: ".$controller."\n"; echo "\tTimeout: ".$timeout."\n"; echo "\tRetry: ".$retry."\n"; echo "\tMaxproc: ".$maxproc."\n"; echo "\tDevices_network: ".$devnetw."\n"; echo "\tDevice_hosts: \n"; foreach($hostsip as $key => $val){ printf("\t\tIP: %24s\tHost: %24s\n", $val['ip'], $val['hs']); } echo "\nInternal: \n"; echo "\tShared_key: ".$shm_key."\n"; echo "\tShared_mem_key: ".$shm."\n"; echo "\tSemaphore_key: ".$sf."\n"; echo "\tFunction_exist(ftok): ".function_exists("ftok")."\n"; echo "\tFunction_exist(shmop_open): ".function_exists("shmop_open")."\n"; echo "\tFunction_exist(sem_get): ".function_exists("sem_get")."\n"; echo "\tFunction_exist(pcntl_fork): ".function_exists("pcntl_fork")."\n"; echo "\tFunction_exist(pcntl_waitpid): ".function_exists("pcntl_waitpid")."\n"; echo "\tFunction_exist(json_encode): ".function_exists("json_encode")."\n"; echo "\tFunction_exist(snmp2_get): ".function_exists("snmp2_get")."\n"; echo "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "\n\nRAW_data: \n"; print_r($raw); if(isset($hostsip) && isset($hostsip[0])){ echo "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; echo "\n\nCollected info on AP NR.1:\n"; print_r(collect_radio_summary($raw,$hostsip[0]['hs'])); echo "\n\nHeader-Print test on AP NR.1: \n\n"; print_header(collect_radio_summary($raw,$hostsip[0]['hs'])); echo "\n\nData-Print test on AP NR.1: \n\n"; print_data(collect_radio_summary($raw,$hostsip[0]['hs'])); } } else { // munin data print_data(collect_radio_summary($raw,null)); foreach($hostsip as $key => $val){ print_data(collect_radio_summary($raw,$val['hs'])); } print_data(collect_netw_summary($raw,null)); foreach($hostsip as $key => $val){ print_data(collect_netw_summary($raw,$val['hs'])); } print_data(collect_response_time($raw,null)); foreach($hostsip as $key => $val){ print_data(collect_response_time($raw,$val['hs'])); } } echo "\n"; ?>