### This is a [Munin](http://munin-monitoring.org/) plugin to monitor your [Ubiquiti Unifi](https://www.ubnt.com/products/#unifi) wireless AP status. * It queries the APs via SNMPv2 and converts result for munin. * Requires: * Enabled SNMP on Access Points. * Network access from munin-node server to AP's network. * PHP 7.0 or above * PHP SNMP module * PHP JSON module * Debian(9+): `sudo apt-get install php php-cgi php-snmp php-json` * Installed munin instance `(sudo apt-get install munin)` * It can use php child-processes to get responses faster. * Tested with: Ubiquiti Unifi AP-AC-PRO and Debian 9, Ubuntu 18.04 ## Usage unifi_munin - Munin plugin to monitor UBNT unifi wireless APs (And also makes graphs for all access points, one by one.) Summary graphs: Number of Clients ![munin](http://git.bmrg.hu/images/munin-unifi.git/munin-ssid.png) Network Usage ![munin](http://git.bmrg.hu/images/munin-unifi.git/munin-netw.png) Ap-response time ![munin](http://git.bmrg.hu/images/munin-unifi.git/munin-ping.png) ## Installing on Debian 1. Copy the **ubnt_unifi.php** into the **/usr/share/munin/plugins/** folder. 2. Set the rights: `chmod 755 /usr/share/munin/plugins/ubnt_unifi.php` 3. Create a symlink to this file: `ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ubnt_unifi.php /etc/munin/plugins/ubnt_unifi` 4. Edit the **/etc/munin/munin.conf** and **/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node** files, add the following configuration lines. 5. Restart the munin, and munin-node with `/etc/init.d/munin restart` and `/etc/init.d/munin-node restart` commands. 6. Test the plugin with the `munin-run ubnt_unifi` command. 7. Check for munin configuration with: `munin-run ubnt_unifi config` command. 8. Debug information are available under `munin-run ubnt_unifi debug` command. ## CONFIGURATION Edit the **/etc/munin/munin.conf** with the following options: [unifi.company.com] #Unifi Controller hostname/ip. address #Which munin-node runs this plugin? (Default: local node, as virtual), use_node_name no #Always don't need to use the node name. (This plugin makes a virtual node) timeout 240 #Timeout, while this plugin can be runned by munin. (whole running time). Edit the **/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node**, and use the following configurations: [ubnt_unifi] timeout - Timeout (only) for munin-update command. env.controller - The unifi controller hostname/ip. (Must be same as above!) env.devices - A "space" separated list of the hostnames or IP addresses of wireless APs. env.timeout - The maximum timeout in milliseconds (only) for SNMP requests. (must enough to get all data from one AP!). env.retry - Number of retry after failed/time out SNMP requets. env.maxproc - Maximum nuber of child processes (for SNMP get) env.devnetw - The network of the APs. (COMMENT IT OUT, IF NOT USED !!!) env.resolvdup - Clarify if Ap is duplicated (Listed via hostname at "devices", and also is in "devnet" network/mask) For example: [ubnt_unifi] timeout 240 env.controller unifi.company.com env.devices ap01.wl.company.lan ap02.wl.company.lan ap03.wl.company.lan #env.devnetw env.timeout 850 env.retry 3 env.maxproc 32 env.resolvdup 1 ### Known issues * If there are dead (unresolvable) hostnames in `env.devices` list, the name resolution, will slow down, and running time will significantly increasing, due PHP's gethostbyname() problem. (A problematic name resulotion can take up to 5-30 seconds.) * Also, if name resolution is not working on munin-node side, it will causes slowing. * The unusable/dead ip addresses in the env.devnetw network, will also causes a little slowing, but you can compensate it with `env.timeout` and `env.maxproc` parameters. ### DEBUG Checklist * Munin output with: `munin-run ubnt_unifi` command. * Graph configuration with: `munin-run ubnt_unifi config` command. * Debug information with: `munin-run ubnt_unifi debug` command. * Is **[controller_name]**, (in munin.conf) **same** as **env.controller** (in plugin-conf.d/munin-node) ? * Query the runner munin node with telnet eg: `telnet localhost 4949` , after connect: `fetch ubnt_unifi` * Is `php-json` and `php-snmp` installed? * Try `snmpwalk -v2c -c public ap01.network.lan 'iso.'` command on munin server. (May need `>> sudo apt-get install snmp` before, on Debian server.) * Is SNMP enabled in Unifi configuration, or on Access Points? * Is there a direct connection (Routing/SNMP_port: 161) between munin-server and Access Points? * Try ping APs from munin server. ------- ### AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Gergő J. Miklós. ### LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.