#ifndef LIGHTCONFINI_H_INCLUDED #define LIGHTCONFINI_H_INCLUDED #include /* int64_t*/ typedef struct lcini_data { enum nodeState {lcini_EMPTY, lcini_READY, lcini_CONTINUE, lcini_MULTILINE, lcini_ERROR, lcini_FLERROR } nodeState; int32_t lineNum; int32_t lineLen; uint8_t *section; int32_t sectionLen; int32_t sectionStartPos; uint8_t *param; int32_t paramLen; int32_t paramStartPos; uint8_t *value; int32_t valueLen; int32_t valueStartPos; enum valueDraw {lcini_EMPTYVAL, lcini_SIMPLEVAL, lcini_MULTILINEVAL, lcini_DQUOTEDVAL} valueDraw; uint8_t *comment; int32_t commentLen; int32_t commentStartPos; uint8_t commentSign; uint8_t *errorMsg; int32_t errorMsgLen; struct lcini_data *next; } lcini_data; typedef struct lcini_shortret{ char *ret; int retlen; enum retType{lcini_shortretOK, lcini_shortretERROR, lcini_shortretEMPTY} retType; } lcini_shortret; /* Ha maga függvény van átpakolva, nevestül, testestül */ /* extern void (mylciniReadOutFunct)(int line, int linelen, char *section, int sectionlen, char *param, int paramlen, char *value, int valuelen, char *comment, int commentlen, char *error, int errorlen ) ; */ /* Ha csak egy fggvényre mutató ptr */ typedef void (*lcinimyReadFunc)(int line, int linelen, char *section, int sectionlen, char *param, int paramlen, char *value, int valuelen, char *comment, int commentlen, char *error, int errorlen ); extern lcinimyReadFunc mylciniReadOutFunct; struct lcini_data *lciniReadOut(const char *filename); int lciniReadOutOwn(const char *filename); lcini_data *lciniGet(lcini_data *head, const char *section, const char *parameter); /* FETCH requested value TO an lcini_data object, FROM lcini_data list*/ int lciniGetStr(lcini_data *head, const char *section, const char *parameter, char *dst, int dstlen); /* FETCH requested value TO null-terminated-string, FROM lcini_data list */ lcini_shortret *lciniGetShort(lcini_data *head, const char *section, const char *parameter, lcini_shortret *ret); /* FETCH requested value TO shortret object, FROM lcini_data list*/ lcini_shortret *lciniGetFromFileShort(const char *filename, const char *section, const char *parameter, lcini_shortret *ret); /* FETCH requested value TO shortret object FROM file */ int lciniGetFromFileStr(const char *filename, const char *section, const char *parameter, char *dst, int dstlen); lcini_data *lciniDestroyNodes( lcini_data *head); lcini_data *lciniCreateNode( lcini_data *head, int lineLen ); size_t lciniFileMaxLineLen(FILE *tfd); lcini_shortret *lciniMKShortRet(int bufflen); void lciniDestroyShortRet(lcini_shortret *dt); char *lciniGetVersionStr(void); #endif /* LIGHTCONFINI_H_INCLUDED */