/* INI fájl olvasás */ #include #include /* strncpy + strerror */ #include /* malloc(), atoi(), exit(EXIT_FALIURE) */ #include /* errno */ #include #include /* int64_t */ #define ini_read_c #include "inirw_internal.h" #include "lightconfini.h" /* extern void (mylciniReadOutFunct)(int line, int linelen, char *section, int sectionlen, char *param, int paramlen, char *value, int valuelen, char *comment, int commentlen, char *error, int errorlen ); */ size_t strNullLen(const char *str){ if(str == NULL){ return 0; } else { return strlen(str); } } char *lciniStrResize(char *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize){ char *tmp; if(newsize <= 0){ /* deleting */ free(ptr); return NULL; } else if(newsize != oldsize){ /* If any changes needed */ tmp = (char *) malloc(newsize*sizeof(char)); memset(tmp, 0, newsize*sizeof(char)); if(tmp == NULL){ /* String is not changed at malloc error */ return ptr; } else if(ptr == NULL) { return tmp; } else { strncpy(tmp, ptr, newsize); /* c89 */ /*snprintf(tmp, newsize, "%s", ptr);*/ /* c99 */ free(ptr); return tmp; } } else { return ptr; } } int unescape(int c){ if(c == 'n'){ /* Newline */ return '\n'; } else if(c == 'a'){ /* Bell */ return '\a'; } else if(c == 'b'){ /* Backspace */ return '\b'; } else if(c == 'f'){ /* Formfeed Page Break */ return '\f'; } else if(c == 'r'){ /* Carrige return */ return '\r'; } else if(c == 't'){ /* Horizontal tab */ return '\t'; } else if(c == 'v'){ /* Vertical tab */ return '\v'; } else if(c == 'e'){ return 0x1B; /*} else if(c < 0x20){ // debug return '~'; */ } else { /* Original is OK */ return c; } } int eescape(int c){ if(c == '\n'){ /* Newline */ return 'n'; } else if(c == '\a'){ /* Bell */ return 'a'; } else if(c == '\b'){ /* Backspace */ return 'b'; } else if(c == '\f'){ /* Formfeed Page Break */ return 'f'; } else if(c == '\r'){ /* Carrige return */ return 'r'; } else if(c == '\t'){ /* Horizontal tab */ return 't'; } else if(c == '\v'){ /* Vertical tab */ return 'v'; /*} else if(c < 0x20){ //debug return '~';*/ } else { /* Original is OK */ return c; } } int isascalnum(int c){ /* Check if input is ASCII Alpha-numeric */ if( 0x30 <= c && c <= 0x39){ /* Numeric */ return 1; } else if (0x41 <= c && c <= 0x5a){ /* UPPER */ return 1; } else if( 0x61 <= c && c <= 0x7a){ /* lower */ return 1; } else { return 0; } } int checkspace(int c){ /* Only for ASCII characters */ switch (c) { case 0x20: /* space (SPC) */ return 1; case 0x09: /* horizontal tab (TAB) */ return 1; case 0x0A: /* newline (LF) */ return 1; case 0x0B: /* vertical tab (VT) */ return 1; case 0x0C: /* feed (FF) */ return 1; case 0x0d: /* carrige return (CR) */ return 1; default: return 0; } } size_t lciniFileMaxLineLen(FILE *tfd){ size_t c=0; size_t i=0, max=0; if (tfd != NULL){ while( c != EOF){ c = fgetc(tfd); if (c == '\n' || c == EOF) { /* Line End */ i++; /* The "\n" is a character also */ if(max < i){ max = i; } i = 0; /* Recount on every newline */ } else { i++; } } fseek(tfd, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Pos. to the start */ return max; } else { /* File open error */ return -1; } } struct lcini_data *iniFSM(struct lcini_data *data, const char *in, int32_t len){ int32_t i,j, vallen=len; enum ini_states pstate=Start, state=Start; /*char cc; */ if(data == NULL){ return NULL; } else { for(i=0, j=0; inodeState == lcini_MULTILINE){ /* Bypass to the DQM collection */ state = DqmW; j = data->valueLen-2; /* (x-1) => \0; (x-2) => j--; */ data->value = lciniStrResize(data->value, data->valueLen, data->valueLen+len+1); /* lciniStrResize(ptr, oldsize, newsize */ vallen = data->valueLen+len+1; data->nodeState = lcini_CONTINUE; i--; /* first char is collected also */ pstate = Start; break; } else if(in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\r' /*|| in[i] == '\0'*/){ /* Line End */ state = Stop; i--; }else if((unsigned char)in[i] == 0xEF || (unsigned char)in[i] == 0xBB || (unsigned char)in[i] == 0xBF || (unsigned char)in[i] == 0xFF || (unsigned char)in[i] == 0x00 ){ /* UTF8, UTF16, UTF32 BOM */ state = Start; } else if(checkspace(in[i])){ /* ISSPACE, but not line end */ state = BgnSp; } else if(in[i] == ';' || in[i] == '#' ){ /* Comment sign first */ j = -1; state = CommEndW; data->comment = lciniStrResize(data->comment, data->commentLen, len); memset(data->comment, 0, len); data->commentStartPos = i; data->sectionStartPos = -1; /* Comment only line */ data->commentSign = in[i]; } else if(in[i] == '['){ /* Section start */ j = -1; state = SectEndW; data->section = lciniStrResize(data->section, data->sectionLen, len); memset(data->section, 0, len); data->sectionStartPos = i; /* Brackets [] are counted! */ } else if(isascalnum(in[i]) ){ /* Parameter is starting */ j = -1; state = EqW1; data->param = lciniStrResize(data->param, data->paramLen, len); memset(data->param, 0, len); data->paramStartPos = i; i--; } else { /* eg: Control characters in pos 1. */ state = Error; i--; } data->nodeState = lcini_EMPTY; data->valueDraw = lcini_EMPTYVAL; pstate = Start; break; case BgnSp: /* Space() at Begining */ if (in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\r' ){ state = Stop; i--; } else if (in[i] == ';' || in[i] == '#'){ /* Comment is coming */ j = -1; state = CommEndW; data->comment = lciniStrResize(data->comment, data->commentLen, len); memset(data->comment, 0, len); data->commentStartPos = i; data->sectionStartPos = -1; /* No Section started in this line */ data->commentSign = in[i]; } else if(in[i] == '['){ /* Section is starting */ j = -1; state = SectEndW; data->section = lciniStrResize(data->section, data->sectionLen, len); memset(data->section, 0, len); data->sectionStartPos = i; } else if (isascalnum(in[i])){ /* Parameter will be */ j = -1; state = EqW1; data->param = lciniStrResize(data->param, data->paramLen, len); memset(data->param, 0, len); data->paramStartPos = i; i--; } else if(checkspace(in[i]) /*|| in[i] == '\0' */ ){ state = BgnSp; } else { state = Error; i--; } pstate = BgnSp; break; case CommEndW: /* Till comment to the line end */ if(in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\r'){ state = Stop; data->nodeState = lcini_READY; data->comment[j] = '\0'; data->commentLen = j+1; i--; } else { data->comment[j] = in[i]; } pstate = CommEndW; break; case SectEndW: /* Section Collector */ if(in[i] == ']'){ state = SectEndD; data->section[j] = '\0'; data->sectionLen = j+1; if(j == 0){ /* empty section */ state = Error; } } else if(isascalnum(in[i]) || in[i]=='/' || in[i]==' ' || in[i]=='_' || in[i]=='-' || in[i]=='.'){ data->section[j] = in[i]; } else /*if((in[i] >= 0x00 && in[i] < 0x20) || in[i] == ';' || in[i] == '#' )*/ { /* túl korai sorvég, SP(), vagy komment */ state = Error; data->section[j] = '\0'; data->sectionLen = j+1; i--; } /*else { data->section[j] = in[i]; }*/ pstate = SectEndW; break; case SectEndD: /* Section collected, then: SP(), line_end, or comment */ if(in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\r'){ state = Stop; data->nodeState = lcini_READY; i--; }else if(checkspace(in[i])){ state = SectEndD; /* remain here */ } else if (in[i] == ';' || in[i] == '#'){ j = -1; state = CommEndW; data->comment = lciniStrResize(data->comment, data->commentLen, len); memset(data->comment, 0, len); data->commentStartPos = i; data->commentSign = in[i]; data->nodeState = lcini_CONTINUE; } else { state = Error; /* wrong character in line */ i--; } pstate = SectEndD; break; case EqW1: /* Parameter name, befora EQ_sign(=) */ if(in[i] == '='){ /* EQ sign arrived */ state = ValPSP; data->param[j] = '\0'; data->paramLen = j + 1; } else if(isascalnum(in[i]) || in[i]=='[' || in[i]==']' || in[i]=='_' || in[i]=='-' || in[i]=='.'){ /* Arrays are supported ins parameter name, like in PHP */ data->param[j] = in[i]; } else if(checkspace(in[i]) && in[i] != '\r' && in[i] != '\n'){ /* Only SPACE allowed between Param_name and EQ_sign */ state = EqW2; data->param[j] = '\0'; data->paramLen = j + 1; } else { state = Error; i--; } pstate = EqW1; break; case EqW2: /* SPACE before EQ_sign */ if(in[i] == '='){ /* EQ_sign arrived */ j = -1; state = ValPSP; } else if(checkspace(in[i])){ /* Another space, remain here */ state = EqW2; } else { state = Error; i--; } pstate = EqW2; break; case ValPSP: /* After EQ_sign, (SPACE, or value can arrive) */ if(in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\r' /*|| in[i] == '\0'*/ ){ /* Empty value */ state = Stop; data->nodeState = lcini_READY; data->valueDraw = lcini_SIMPLEVAL; i--; } else if(in[i] == ';' || in[i] == '#'){ /* Comment */ j = -1; state = CommEndW; data->comment = lciniStrResize(data->comment, data->commentLen, len); memset(data->comment, 0, len); data->commentStartPos = i; data->nodeState = lcini_CONTINUE; data->valueDraw = lcini_SIMPLEVAL; data->commentSign = in[i]; } else if( pstate != Bslsh && in[i] == '\"' ){ /* DQM arrived => DQM collector */ j = -1; state = DqmW; data->value = lciniStrResize(data->value, data->valueLen, len); memset(data->value, 0, len); data->valueStartPos = i; data->nodeState = lcini_CONTINUE; data->valueDraw = lcini_DQUOTEDVAL; } else if(checkspace(in[i])){ /* Another SP(), remain here */ state = ValPSP; } else if(isascalnum(in[i]) || in[i]=='-') { /* Normal_Value collector */ j = -1; state = ValW; data->value = lciniStrResize(data->value, data->valueLen, len); memset(data->value, 0, len); data->valueStartPos = i; data->nodeState = lcini_CONTINUE; data->valueDraw = lcini_SIMPLEVAL; i--; } else { state = Error; i--; } pstate = ValPSP; break; case ValW: /* Normal_Value collector */ if(in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\r'){ /* end -> new_line */ state = Stop; data->nodeState = lcini_READY; data->value[j] = '\0'; data->valueLen = j + 1; i--; } else if(in[i] == ';' || in[i] == '#'){ /* comment */ data->nodeState = lcini_CONTINUE; data->value[j] = '\0'; data->valueLen = j+1; state = CommEndW; j = -1; data->comment = lciniStrResize(data->comment, data->commentLen, len); memset(data->comment, 0, len); data->commentStartPos = i; data->commentSign = in[i]; data->nodeState = lcini_CONTINUE; /* } else if( in[i] == '\\' ){ // Backslash support // j--; //A '\' nem számít bele! // state = Bslsh; */ } else if(isascalnum(in[i]) || in[i]=='_' || in[i]=='-' || in[i]=='.' ){ /* Regular characters without SP() */ data->value[j] = in[i]; } else if(checkspace(in[i])){ /* SPACE arrived -> line_end */ data->value[j] = '\0'; data->valueLen = j+1; data->nodeState = lcini_READY; state = ValFSP; i--; } else { state = Error; i--; } pstate = ValW; break; case Bslsh: /* Backslash -> Escaping needed */ if(pstate == ValW){ state = ValW; data->value[j] = unescape(in[i]); } else if(pstate == SectEndW){ state = SectEndW; data->section[j] = unescape(in[i]); }else if(pstate == DqmW){ state = DqmW; data->value[j] = unescape(in[i]); if(in[i] == '\n'){ /* Workaround for UNIX line end */ i--; } if( in[i] == '\r'){ /* Workaround for WIN line endings */ j--; } } else { state = Error; i--; } /* if(0x00 < in[i] && in[i] < 0x20){ //láthatatlan: pl \\n (escapelt sorvége) // j--; //} */ pstate = Bslsh; break; case ValFSP: /* Space after value */ if( in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\r'){ state = Stop; i--; } else if( in[i] == ';' || in[i] == '#'){ j = -1; state = CommEndW; data->comment = lciniStrResize(data->comment, data->commentLen, len); memset(data->comment, 0, len); data->commentStartPos = i; data->commentSign = in[i]; data->nodeState = lcini_CONTINUE; } else if(checkspace(in[i])){ state = ValFSP; /* SP() -> ermain here */ } else { state = Error; i--; } pstate = ValFSP; break; case DqmW: /* DQM Collector (Double Quotation MArk) */ if( in[i] == '\"'){ /* Second DQM => Sring_end */ data->value[j] = '\0'; data->valueLen = j+1; data->nodeState = lcini_READY; state = ValFSP; } else if ( in[i] == '\\'){ /* Backslash */ j--; state = Bslsh; } else if(len > 1 && in[i] == '\n' && in[i-1] == '\\'){ /* UNIX style line endings*/ data->value[j] = '\0'; /* '\\n' => '\n\0' */ data->valueLen = j+1; data->nodeState = lcini_MULTILINE; data->valueDraw = lcini_MULTILINEVAL; state = Stop; i--; } else if(len > 2 && in[i] == '\n' && in[i-1] == '\r' && in[i-2] == '\\'){ /* WINDOWS style */ data->value[j] = '\n'; data->value[j+1] = '\0'; data->valueLen = j+2; data->nodeState = lcini_MULTILINE; data->valueDraw = lcini_MULTILINEVAL; state = Stop; i--; } else if( pstate != Bslsh && (in[i] == '\r' || in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\0')){ /* Too early Line_end */ state = Error; i--; } else { data->value[j] = in[i]; } pstate = DqmW; break; case Error: data->errorMsg = lciniStrResize(data->errorMsg, data->errorMsgLen, 256); /* Returns zero-filled string */ if(pstate == SectEndW || pstate == SectEndD){ data->errorMsgLen = sprintf(data->errorMsg, "Illegal character or EMPTY SECTION! (line: %d, pos: %d)", data->lineNum, i+1) +1; } else if(pstate == EqW1 || pstate == EqW2){ data->errorMsgLen = sprintf(data->errorMsg, "Illegal character at PARAMETER! (line: %d, pos: %d)", data->lineNum, i+1) +1; } else if(pstate == ValPSP || pstate == ValW || pstate == ValFSP ){ data->errorMsgLen = sprintf(data->errorMsg, "Illegal character at VALUE! (line: %d, pos: %d)", data->lineNum, i+1) +1; } else if(pstate == DqmW){ data->errorMsgLen = sprintf(data->errorMsg, "Double quotation mark needed! (line: %d, pos: %d)", data->lineNum, i+1) +1; } else { data->errorMsgLen = sprintf(data->errorMsg, "Illegal character! (line: %d, pos: %d)", data->lineNum, i+1) +1; } i--; state = Stop; data->nodeState = lcini_ERROR; pstate = Error; break; case Stop: if(in[i] == '\n' || in[i] == '\r' || in[i] == '\0' || pstate == Error){ /* Line Ended */ state = Stop; if(strNullLen(data->section) == 0){data->sectionLen = 0;} if(strNullLen(data->param) == 0){data->paramLen = 0;} if(strNullLen(data->value) == 0){data->valueLen = 0;} if(strNullLen(data->comment) == 0){data->commentLen = 0;} if(strNullLen(data->errorMsg) == 0){data->errorMsgLen = 0;} data->section = lciniStrResize(data->section, len, data->sectionLen); data->param = lciniStrResize(data->param, len, data->paramLen); data->value = lciniStrResize(data->value, vallen, data->valueLen); data->comment = lciniStrResize(data->comment, len, data->commentLen); data->errorMsg = lciniStrResize(data->errorMsg, 256, data->errorMsgLen); if(data->sectionStartPos < 0 && data->param==NULL && data->value==NULL && data->comment==NULL && data->errorMsg==NULL){ data->nodeState = lcini_EMPTY; data->valueDraw = lcini_EMPTYVAL; } return data; } else { /* Everything else -> ERROR */ state = Error; } pstate = Stop; break; default: state = Start; break; } } return data; } } lcini_data *lciniCreateNode( lcini_data *head, int64_t lineLen ){ /* Creates one Node */ lcini_data *curr; curr = (lcini_data *) calloc(1, sizeof(lcini_data)); curr->nodeState = lcini_EMPTY; curr->lineNum = 0; curr->lineLen = lineLen; if(lineLen > 0){ curr->section = (char *) calloc(lineLen, sizeof(char)); curr->param = (char *) calloc(lineLen, sizeof(char)); curr->value = (char *) calloc(lineLen, sizeof(char)); curr->comment = (char *) calloc(lineLen, sizeof(char)); curr->errorMsg = (char *) calloc(lineLen, sizeof(char)); } else { lineLen = 0; } curr->sectionLen = lineLen; curr->sectionStartPos = -1; curr->paramLen = lineLen; curr->paramStartPos = -1; curr->valueLen = lineLen; curr->valueStartPos = -1; curr->valueDraw = lcini_EMPTYVAL; curr->commentLen = lineLen; curr->commentStartPos = -1; curr->commentSign = '\0'; curr->errorMsgLen=lineLen; curr->next = NULL; if(head != NULL){ head->next = curr; } return curr; } lcini_data *lciniDestroyNodes( lcini_data *head){ /* Destroys Nodes from HEAD to the end */ lcini_data *tmp, *node=head; while(node != NULL){ free(node->section); free(node->param); free(node->value); free(node->comment); free(node->errorMsg); tmp = node; node = node->next; free(tmp); } return NULL; } struct lcini_data *lciniReadOut(const char *filename){ /* Reads the entire file to a linked-list */ int c=0; char *buff; FILE *fp=NULL; int64_t linemax, line=0, pos=0; /*char cc;*/ struct lcini_data *prev=NULL, *curr=NULL, *list = NULL; fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(!fp ){ /* fp == NULL */ list = lciniCreateNode(NULL, 256); list->errorMsg = lciniStrResize(list->errorMsg, list->errorMsgLen, 256); list->errorMsgLen = sprintf(list->errorMsg, "File opening error. Errno: %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno) ); list->nodeState = lcini_ERROR; } else { linemax = lciniFileMaxLineLen(fp) +1; buff = (char *) malloc(linemax*sizeof(char)); memset(buff, 0, linemax*sizeof(char)); while( c != EOF){ c = fgetc(fp); /*cc = c;*/ /* debug */ if( c == '\n' || c == EOF){ line++; buff[pos] = '\n'; if(curr == NULL || curr->nodeState != lcini_MULTILINE ){ curr = lciniCreateNode(NULL, linemax); } if(list == NULL){ /* First node */ list = curr; } if(prev && curr && prev != curr && prev->section ){ /* Copy SECTION string from previous node to current */ curr->section = lciniStrResize(curr->section, curr->sectionLen, prev->sectionLen); memcpy(curr->section, prev->section, prev->sectionLen); curr->sectionLen = prev->sectionLen; } if(curr){ /* Call the Finite-State-Machine processor */ curr->lineNum = line; curr->lineLen = pos + 1; curr = iniFSM(curr, buff, linemax); } if(curr->nodeState == lcini_EMPTY){ /* Dropping empty lines */ if(list == curr || prev == curr ){ /* File contains empty lines */ list = NULL; prev = NULL; } curr = lciniDestroyNodes(curr); } if(!prev){ /* Prew is null */ prev = curr; } else { /* Register current for next step */ prev->next = curr; if(prev->next && curr->nodeState != lcini_MULTILINE){ /* Step only, when current is not multiline */ prev = prev->next; } } if(curr && curr->nodeState == lcini_ERROR){ /* Stop on first ERROR */ /* return list; */ } pos = 0; memset(buff, 0, linemax*sizeof(char)); } else { buff[pos] = c; pos++; } } free(buff); } if(fp){ fclose(fp); } return list; } int lciniReadOutOwn(const char *filename){ /* Reads the entire file to a linked-list */ int c=0; char *buff=NULL; FILE *fp=NULL; int64_t linemax, line=0, pos=0; struct lcini_data curr; /* char cc;*/ curr.section = NULL; curr.param = NULL; curr.value = NULL; curr.comment = NULL; curr.errorMsg = NULL; buff = (char *) malloc(256*sizeof(char)); memset(buff, 0, 256*sizeof(char)); fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(!fp && mylciniReadOutFunct != NULL){ /* fp == NULL */ sprintf(buff, "File opening error. Errno: %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno) ); mylciniReadOutFunct(0,0, NULL,0, NULL,0, NULL,0, NULL,0, buff, 256); } else { linemax = lciniFileMaxLineLen(fp) +1; buff = lciniStrResize(buff, 256, linemax); while( c != EOF){ c = fgetc(fp); /*cc = c;*/ /* debug */ if( c == '\n' || c == EOF){ line++; buff[pos] = '\n'; if(1){ /* Call the Finite-State-Machine processor */ curr.lineNum = line; curr.lineLen = pos + 1; iniFSM(&curr, buff, linemax); } if(curr.nodeState != lcini_EMPTY && mylciniReadOutFunct != NULL ){ /* Dropping empty lines */ /* mylciniReadOutFunct(line, pos+1, curr.section, curr.sectionLen, curr.param, curr.paramLen, curr.value, curr.valueLen, curr.comment, curr.commentLen, curr.errorMsg, curr.errorMsgLen);*/ (*mylciniReadOutFunct)(line, pos+1, curr.section, curr.sectionLen, curr.param, curr.paramLen, curr.value, curr.valueLen, curr.comment, curr.commentLen, curr.errorMsg, curr.errorMsgLen); } pos = 0; memset(buff, 0, linemax*sizeof(char)); } else { buff[pos] = c; pos++; } } } if(fp){ fclose(fp); } free(buff); return line; }